
Group Evolution-

Present Staff :
  • A Genissel's group

Anne Genissel (Researcher, INRAE)

  • We are very pleased to announce Apolline Petit will start a PhD this fall (funding MESRI) at the doctoral school SDSV, under the direction of Arnaud Le Rouzic. (co-sponsor A Genissel).
  • Karen Haziza (licence, University of Toulouse) will join us for 1 month in July to characterize molecular variants that are associated with natural variation of the disease in Z. tritici.
  • July 15th Madison Van't Klooster will join us (Engineer for 6 month) to study the molecular basis of Stb16 virulence and develop a molecular tool for diagnosis of virulent haplotypes in large populations of Z. tritici.
  • Alumni

Mamadou Sene (Master student University of Rennes, 2021) - GWAS on early symptoms of Z. tritici against Sbt16 resistance gene.

Ibai Lertxundi (Master student, University of Barcelona, Erasmus, 2020) - Population genomics of Z. tritici.

Arthur Jallet (PhD Student, Fellowship from the Minister, Doctoral School 'Sciences du végétal' at Paris-Saclay University, 2016-2019). Evolution of Z. tritici under fluctuating selection. Arthur is now a postdoc in the lab of Ignacio Bravo (UMR MIGEVEC, Montpellier).  

Axel Vaillant (Master student,2019) - GWAS on Z. tritici virulence against new wheat resistance gene Stb16 using a French Panel

Frederique Malonga (Master student, 2019) - Molecular analysis of quantitative variation of gene expression for evolved lineages under fluctuating selection (Arthur's PhD) / estimation of allele frequency by splitting evolved lineage bulks in separated clones and sequencing

Amandine Bonnet (Master student, 2016) - Molecular analysis of variants involved in temperature sensitivity in vitro

Maroua Bouzid (Master student, 2014) Natural variation of phenotypic plasticity in the fungal pathogen Z. tritici. Maroua defended her PhD in 2019 in the De Meaux lab "Comparative analysis of the drought stress response across the Arabidopsis genus".

Modification date: 03 July 2023 | Publication date: 23 January 2017 | By: Anne Genissel