


Complete list of papers 


Balesdent MH, Laval V, Bagot P, Rouxel T (2023) Large-scale population survey of Leptosphaeria maculans in France highlights both on-going breakdowns and potentially effective resistance genes in oilseed rape. Pest Manag Sci

Bousset L, Ermel M, Bammé B, Penaud A, Carpezat J,  Balesdent MH, Laval V, Palerme M, Parisey N (2023) Identifying fungal leaf spots on oilseed rape: could pictures help? BioRxiv doi:

Clairet C, Lapalu N, Simon A, Soyer JL, Viaud M, Zehraoui E, Dalmais B, Fudal I, Ponts N (2023) Nucleosome patterns in four plant pathogenic fungi with contrasted genome structures. Peer Community J., Volume 3 (e13).

Gautier A, Balesdent, MH, Faure S, Laval V, Rouxel T (2023) Polymorphism of avirulence alleles genes and adaptation to Brassica resistance genes is gene-dependent in the phytopathogenic fungus Leptosphaeria maculans. Phytopathology

Talbi N, Fokkens L, Audran C, Petit-Houdenot Y, Blaise F, Gay EJ, Gautier A, Rouxel T, Balesdent MH, Rep M, Fudal I (2022) The neighboring genes AvrLm10A and AvrLm10B are part of a large multigene family of cooperating effector genes conserved in Dothideomycetes and Sordariomycetes. Mol Plant Pathol. DOI: 10.1111/mpp.13338

Soyer JL, Fudal I (2023). Epigenetic regulation of fungal genes involved in plant colonization. In The Mycota, Volume 5 Plant Relationships / Fungal – plant interactions. p. 255-281. Ed. Springer.


Balesdent MH, Gautier A, Plissonneau C, Le Meur L, Loiseau A, Leflon M, Carpezat J, Pinochet X, Rouxel T (2022) Twenty years of Leptosphaeria maculans population surveys in France suggest pyramiding Rlm3 and Rlm7 in rapeseed is a risky resistance management strategy. Phytopathology 112:2126-2137.

Jiquel A, Gay EJ, Mas J, George P, Wagner A, Flor A, Faure S, Balesdent MH, Rouxel T (2022) “Late” effectors from Leptosphaeria maculans as tools for identifying novel sources of resistance in Brassica napus. Plant Direct e435

Lazar N, Mesarich CH, Petit-Houdenot Y, Talbi N, Li de la Sierra-Gallay I, Zélie E, Blondeau K, Gracy J, Ollivier B, Blaise F, Rouxel T, Balesdent MH, Idnurm A, van Tilbeurgh H, Fudal I (2022) A new family of structurally conserved fungal effectors displays epistatic interactions with plant resistance proteins. PLoS Pathog

Neik TX, Ghanbarnia K, Ollivier B, Scheben A, Severn-Ellis A, Larkan NJ, Haddadi P, Fernando WGD, Rouxel T, Batley J, Bohran H, Balesdent MH (2022). Two independent approaches converge to the cloning of a new Leptosphaeria maculans avirulence effector gene, AvrLmS-Lep2. Mol Plant Pathol

Saubin M, Louet C, Bousset L, Fabre F, Frey P, Fudal I, Grognard F, Hamelin F, Mailleret L, Stoeckel S, Touzeau S, Petre B, Halkett F (2022) Improving sustainable crop protection using population genetics concepts. Mol Ecol

Talbi N, Fokkens L, Audran C, Petit-Houdenot Y, Blaise F, Gay EJ, Gautier A, Rouxel T, Balesdent MH, Rep M, Fudal I (2022) The neighboring genes AvrLm10A and AvrLm10B are part of a large multigene family of cooperating effector genes conserved in Dothideomycetes and Sordariomycetes. BioRxiv doi:


Clairet C, Gay EJ,  Porquier A, Blaise F, Marais CL, Balesdent MH, Rouxel T,   Soyer JL, Fudal I (2021) Regulation of effector gene expression as concerted waves in Leptosphaeria maculans: a two-players game. BioRxiv doi:

Clairet C, Lapalu N, Simon A, Soyer JL, Viaud M, Zehraoui E, Dalmais B, Fudal I, Ponts N (2021) Nucleosome patterns in four plant pathogenic fungi with contrasted genome structures. BioRxiv doi:

Degrave A, Wagner M, George P, Coudard L, Pinochet X, Ermel M, Gay EJ, Fudal I, Moreno-Rico O, Rouxel T, Balesdent MH. (2021) A new avirulence gene of Leptosphaeria maculans, AvrLm14, identifies a resistance source in American broccoli (Brassica oleracea) genotypes. Mol Plant Pathol

Gay EJ, Soyer JL, Lapalu N, Linglin J, Fudal I, Da Silva C, Wincker P, Aury JM, Cruaud C, Levrel A, Lemoine J, Delourme R, Rouxel T, Balesdent MH (2021) Large-scale transcriptomics to dissect two years of the life of a fungal phytopathogen interacting with its host plant. BMC Biol 19: 55

Hannachi M, Coléno F, Bousset L, Delourme R, Chevre AM, Balesdent MH, Rouxel T, Multeau C, Garmendia-Auckenthaler L (2021) Vers une gestion des gènes de résistances comme des biens communs. In : Lannou C, Roby D, Ravigné V, Hannachi M, Moury B (Eds.). L'immunité des plantes. Pour des cultures résistantes aux maladies. Editions Quae, Versailles, France, 392 pp.

Jacques N, Balesdent MH, Rouxel T, Laval V (2021) New quantitative specific real-time PCR assays shed light on the epidemiology of two species of the Leptosphaeria maculans-Leptosphaeria biglobosa species complex. Plant Pathol 70:643-654

Jiquel A, Gervais J, Geistodt-Kiener A, Delourme R, Gay EJ, Ollivier B, Fudal I, Faure S, Balesdent MH, Rouxel T (2021) A gene-for-gene interaction involving a ‘late’ effector
contributes to quantitative resistance to the stem canker disease in Brassica napus. New Phytol https://doi: 10.1111/nph.17292

Rouxel T, Balesdent MH (2021) L’intégration des connaissances sur les résistances variétales par les acteurs de la sélection: un gage d’efficacité et de durabilité ? L’exemple du phoma du colza. In : Lannou C, Roby D, Ravigné V, Hannachi M, Moury B (Eds.). L'immunité des plantes. Pour des cultures résistantes aux maladies. Editions Quae, Versailles, France, 392 pp.

Rouxel T, Genin S, Viaud M (2021) Effecteurs des agents phytopathogènes: à la croisée des chemins entre manipulation et induction des réactions de défense des plantes. In : Lannou C, Roby D, Ravigné V, Hannachi M, Moury B (Eds.). L'immunité des plantes. Pour des cultures résistantes aux maladies. Editions Quae, Versailles, France, 392 pp.

Soyer JL, Clairet C, Gay EJ, Lapalu N, Rouxel T, Stukenbrock EH, Fudal I (2021). Genome-wide mapping of histone modifications in two species of Leptosphaeria maculans showing contrasting genomic organization and host specialization. Chromosome Res


Bruez E, Vallance J, Gautier A, Laval V, Compant S, Maurer W, Sessitsch A, Lebrun MH, Rey P (2020) Major changes in grapevine wood microbiota are associated with the onset of esca, a devastating trunk disease. Environ Microbiol https://doi:10.1111/1462-2920.15180

Gay EJ, Soyer JL, Lapalu N, Linglin J, Fudal I, Da Silva C, Wincker P, Aury JM, Cruaud C, Levrel A, Lemoine J, Delourme R, Rouxel T, Balesdent MH (2020) Large-scale transcriptomics to dissect two years of the life of a fungal phytopathogen interacting with its host plant. bioRxiv 2020 Nov 23; doi:

Jacques N, Balesdent MH, Rouxel T, Laval V (2020) New quantitative specific real-time PCR assays shed light on the epidemiology of two species of the Leptosphaeria maculans-Leptosphaeria biglobosa species complex. Plant Pathol (in press)

Kerdraon L, Barret M, Balesdent M, Suffert F, Laval V (2020) Impact of a resistance gene against a fungal pathogen on the plant host residue microbiome: the case of the Leptosphaeria maculans-Brassica napus pathosystem. Mol Plant Pathol (in press)

Leontovycova H, Trda L, Dobrev PI, Sasek V, Gay E, Balesdent MH, Burketova L (2020) Auxin biosynthesis in the phytopathogenic fungus Leptosphaeria maculans is associated with enhanced transcription of indole-3-pyruvate decarboxylase LmIPDC2 and tryptophan aminotransferase LmTAM1. Res Microbiol

Neik TX, Ghanbarnia K, Ollivier B, Scheben A, Severn-Ellis A, Larkan NJ, Haddadi P, Fernando WGD, Rouxel T, Batley J, Bohran H, Balesdent MH (2020). Two independent approaches converge to the cloning of a new Leptosphaeria maculans avirulence effector gene, AvrLmS-Lep2. BioRxiv 2020 October 3; 

Rocafort M, Fudal I, Mesarich CH (2020) Apoplastic effector proteins of plant-associated fungi and oomycetes. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 56: 9–19. 

Soyer JL, Clairet C, Gay EJ, Lapalu N, Rouxel T, Stukenbrock EH, Fudal I (2020). Genome-wide mapping of histone modifications in two species of Leptosphaeria maculans showing contrasting genomic organization and host specialization. bioRxiv. 2020 May 10; doi:


Balesdent MH, Coudard L, Pourcelot M, Leflon M, Delourme R, Faure S, Rouxel T (2019) Populations de phoma du colza : état des lieux des résistances, Phytoma 274 :30-34.

Boutigny A-L, Gautier A, Basler R, Dauthieux F, Leite S, Valade R, Aguayo J, Ioos R, Laval V (2019) Metabarcoding targeting the EF1 alpha region to assess Fusarium diversity on cereals. PLoS ONE 14: e0207988.

Dubois E, De Muyt A, Soyer JL, Budin K, Legras M, Piolot T, Debuchy R, Kleckner N, Zickler D, Espagne E (2019) Building bridges to move recombination complexes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 116:12400-12409.

Kerdraon L, Balesdent M-H, Barret M, Laval V, Suffert F (2019). Crop residues in wheat-oilseed rape rotation system: a pivotal, shifting platform for microbial meetings. Microbial Ecol. 4: 931-945.

Kerdraon L, Barret M, Laval V, Suffert F. (2019). Differential dynamics of microbial community networks help identify microorganisms interacting with residue-borne pathogens: the case of Zymoseptoria tritici in wheat. Microbiome 7: 125.          

Kerdraon L, Laval V, Suffert F. (2019). Microbiomes and pathogen survival in crop residues, an ecotone between plant and soil. Phytobiomes J. 3:246-255.

Möller M, Schotanus K, Soyer JL, Haueisen J, Happ K, Stralucke M, Happel P, Smith KM, Connolly LR, Freitag M, Stukenbrock EH (2019) Destabilization of chromosome structure by histone H3 lysine 27 methylation. PLoS Genet. 15:e1008093

Pauvert C, Buée M, Laval V, Edel-Hermann V, Fauchery L, Gautier A, Lesur I, Vallance J, Vacher C. (2019). Bioinformatics matters: the accuracy of plant and soil fungal community data is highly dependent on the metabarcoding pipeline, Fungal Ecol. 41: 23-33.

Petit-Houdenot Y, Degrave A, Meyer M, Blaise F, Ollivier B, Marais CL, Jauneau A, Audran C, Rivas S, Veneault-Fourrey C, Brun H, Rouxel T, Fudal I, Balesdent MH (2019). A two genes - for - one gene interaction between Leptosphaeria maculans and Brassica napus. New Phytol., 223: 397-411.

Soyer JL, Grandaubert J, Haueisen J, Schotanus K, Stukenbrock EH (2019) In planta chromatin immunoprecipitation in Zymoseptoria tritici reveals chromatin based regulation of putative effector gene expression. BioRXiv (



Dean RA, Rouxel T (2018) Editorial Overview: Effector biology in plant-associated fungi and Oomycetes: innovation and adaptation. Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 46: (in press)

Dutreux F, Da Silva C, d'Agata L, Couloux A, Gay EJ, Istace B, Lapalu N, Lemainque A, Linglin J, Noel B, Wincker P, Cruaud C, Rouxel T, Balesdent MH, Aury JM (2018) De novo assembly and annotation of three Leptosphaeria genomes using Oxford Nanopore MinION sequencing. Scientific data 5:180235

Fouché S, Plissonneau C, Croll D (2018) The birth and death of effectors in rapidly evolving filamentous plant genomes. Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 46: 34-42

Fudal I, Balesdent MH, Rouxel T (2018) Effector biology in fungal pathogens of non-model crop plants. Trends Plant Sci. 23:753-755

Meile L, Croll D, Brunner PC, Plissonneau C, Hartmann FE, McDonald BA, Sanchez-Vallet A (2018) A fungal avirulence factor encoded in a highly plastic genomic region triggers partial resistance to septoria tritici blotch. New Phytol. 219: 1048–1061. 

Petit-Houdenot Y, Fudal I (2017) Complex interactions between fungal avirulence genes and their corresponding plant resistance genes and consequences for disease resistance management. Front. Plant Sci. 8: 1072

Plissonneau C, Hartmann FE, Croll D (2018) Pangenome analyses of the wheat pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici reveal the structural basis of a highly plastic eukaryotic genome. BMC Biology 16: 5

Plissonneau C, Rouxel T, Chèvre AM, Van de Wouw AP, Balesdent MH (2018) One gene-one name: the AvrLmJ1 avirulence gene of Leptosphaeria maculans is AvrLm5. Mol. Plant Pathol. 19: 1012-1018

Sánchez-Vallet A, Fouché S, Fudal I, Hartmann FE, Soyer JL, Tellier A, Croll D (2018) The genome biology of effector gene evolution in filamentous plant pathogens. Annu Rev Phytopathol 56: 21-40

Soyer JL, Balesdent MH, Rouxel T, Dean R (2018) To B or not to B: a tale of unorthodox chromosomes. Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 46: 50-57


Gervais J, Plissonneau C, Linglin J, Meyer M, Labadie K, Cruaud C, Fudal I, Rouxel T, Balesdent MH (2017) Different waves of effector genes with contrasted genomic location are expressed by Leptosphaeria maculans during cotyledon and stem colonisation of oilseed rape. Mol. Plant Pathol. 18: 1113-1126 [DOI]

Lorrain C, Gervais J, Petit Y, Plett JM (2017) New insights into plant-microbe interactions through advances in fungal genetics. New Phytol. 216: 647-650

Meyer M, Bourras S, Gervais J, Labadie K, Cruaud C, Balesdent MH, Rouxel T (2017) Impact of biotic and abiotic factors on the expression of fungal effector-encoding genes in axenic growth conditions. Fungal Genet. Biol. 99: 1-12 [DOI]

Plissonneau C, Blaise F, Ollivier B, Leflon M, Carpezat J, Rouxel T, Balesdent MH (2017) Unusual evolutionary mechanisms to escape Effector-Triggered-Immunity in the fungal phytopathogen Leptosphaeria maculans. Mol. Ecol. 26: 2183-2198

Plissonneau C, Benevenuto J, Mohd-Assaad N, Fouché S, Hartmann FE, Croll D (2017) Using population and comparative genomics to understand the genetic basis of effector-driven fungal pathogen evolution. Front. Plant Sci. 8:119 [DOI]

Rouxel T, Balesdent MH (2017) Life, death and rebirth of avirulence effectors in a fungal pathogen of Brassica crops, Leptosphaeria maculans. New Phytol. 214: 526-532[DOI]

Zhong Z, Marcel T, Hartmann FE, Ma X, Plissonneau C, Zala M, Ducasse A, Compain J, Lapalu N, Amselem J, McDonald BA, Croll D, Palma-Guerrero J. (2017) A small secreted protein in Zymoseptoria tritici is responsible for avirulence on wheat cultivars carrying the Stb6 resistance gene. New Phytol.214: 619-631


de Marchi R, Sorel M, Mooney B, Fudal I, Goslin K, Kwasniewska K, Ryan PT, Pfalz M, Kroymann J, Pollmann S, Feechan A, Wellmer F, Rivas S, Graciet E (2016) The N-end rule pathway regulates pathogen responses in plants. Scientific Rep. 6. [DOI

Nováková M, Šašek V, Trdá L, Krutinová H, Mongin T, Valentová O, Balesdent M-H, Rouxel T, Burketová L (2016) Leptosphaeria maculans effector AvrLm4-7 affects SA- and ET-signalling and H2O2 accumulation in Brassica napus. Mol. Plant Pathol. 17: 818-831.

Plissonneau C, Daverdin G, Ollivier B, Blaise F, Degrave A, Fudal I, Rouxel T, Balesdent MH (2016) A game of hide and seek between avirulence genes AvrLm4-7 and AvrLm3 in Leptosphaeria maculans. New Phytol. 209: 1613-1624.

Plissonneau C, Stürchler A, Croll D (2016) The evolution of orphan regions in genomes of a fungal pathogen of wheat. mBio 7: e01231-16 [DOI]

Zhang  X, Peng P, Kutcher R, Balesdent MH, Delourme R, Fernando DWG. (2016). Breakdown of Rlm3 resistance in the Brassica napus–Leptosphaeria maculans pathosystem in western Canada. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 145: 659–674 [DOI]


Balesdent MH, Plissonneau C, Coudard L, Daverdin G, Le Meur L, Carpezat J, Leflon M, Pinochet X, Ermel M, Brun H, Rouxel T (2015) Résistance du colza au phoma : où en est-on de l'efficacité de Rlm7 ? Phytoma 684: 20-24.

Blondeau K, Blaise F, Graille M, Kale SD, Linglin J, Ollivier B, Labarde A, Lazar N, Daverdin G, Balesdent MH, Choi DHY, Tyler BM, Rouxel T, van Tilbeurgh H, Fudal I (2015) Crystal structure of the effector AvrLm4–7 of Leptosphaeria maculans reveals insights into its translocation into plant cells and recognition by resistance proteins. Plant J. 83: 610-624.

Bourras S, Meyer M, Rouxel T (2015) Agrobacterium tumefaciens gene transfer: how a plant pathogen hacks the nuclei of plant and non-plant organisms. Phytopathology 105: 1288-1301.

Diederichsen E, Dixon GR, Wallenhammar AC, Fernando D, Balesdent MH (2016) Special issue on clubroot and blackleg diseases of brassicas - Foreword. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 145: 515-516

Ghanbarnia K, Fudal I, Larkan NJ, Links MG, Balesdent M-H, Profotova B, Fernando WGD, Rouxel T, Borhan MH (2015) Rapid identification of the Leptosphaeria maculans avirulence gene AvrLm2, using an intraspecific comparative genomics approach. Mol. Plant Pathol. 16: 699-709.

Plissonneau C, Daverdin G, Coudard L, Ollivier B, Rouxel T, Balesdent MH (2015) Phoma du colza : recyclage du gène de résistance Rlm3. Phytoma 684: 25-28.

Schotanus K, Soyer JL, Connolly LR, Grandaubert J, Happel P, Smith KM, Freitag M, Stukenbrock EH (2015) Histone modifications rather than the novel regional centromeres of Zymoseptoria tritici distinguish core and accessory chromosomes. Epigenetics Chromatin 8: 41. doi: 10.1186/s13072-015-0033-5.

Soyer JL, Hamiot A, Ollivier B, Balesdent MH, Rouxel T, Fudal I (2015) The APSES transcription factor LmStuA is required for sporulation, pathogenic development and effector gene expression in Leptosphaeria maculans. Mol. Plant Pathol. 16: 1000-1005.

Soyer JL, Möller M, Schotanus K, Connolly L, Galazka JM, Freitag M, Stukenbrock E (2015) Chromatin analyses of Zymoseptoria tritici: methods for chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq). Fungal Genet. Biol. 79: 63-70.

Soyer JL, Rouxel T, Fudal I (2015) Chromatin-based control of effector gene expression in plant-associated fungi. Curr. Op. Plant Biol. 26: 51–56


Carpezat, J, Bothorel S, Daverdin G, Balesdent MH, Leflon M (2014) Use of high resolution melting analysis to genotype the avirulence AvrLm4-7 gene of Leptosphaeria maculans, a fungal pathogen of Brassica napus.  Ann. Appli. Biol. 164 :430–44.

Delourme R, Bousset L, Ermel E, Duffé P, Besnard AL, Marquer B, Fudal I, Linglin J, Chadoeuf J, Brun H (2014) Quantitative resistance affects the speed of frequency increase but not the diversity of the virulence alleles overcoming a major resistance gene to Leptosphaeria maculans in oilseed rape. Infect. Genet. Evol. 27: 490–499.

Grandaubert J, Balesdent MH, Rouxel T (2014) Evolutionary and adaptive role of transposable elements in fungal genomes. In Francis Martin, editor: Fungi, Vol 70, Ann. Bot. Res., UK: Academic Press, pp. 79-107.

Grandaubert J, Lowe RGT, Soyer JL, Schoch CL, Van de Wouw AP, Fudal I, Robbertse B, Lapalu N, Links MG, Ollivier B, Linglin J, Barbe V, Mangenot S, Cruaud C, Borhan H, Howlett BJ, Balesdent MH, Rouxel T (2014) Transposable element-assisted evolution and adaptation to host plant within the Leptosphaeria maculans-Leptosphaeria biglobosa species complex of fungal pathogens. BMC Genomics 15: 891.

Lowe RGT, Cassin A, Grandaubert J, Clark B, Van de Wouw AP, Rouxel T, Howlett BJ (2014) Genomes and transcriptomes of partners in plant-fungal- interactions between canola (Brassica napus) and two Leptosphaeria species. PLoS One 9: e103098.

Soyer JL, El Ghalid M, Glaser N, Ollivier B, Linglin J, Grandaubert J, Balesdent MH, Connolly LR, Freitag M, Rouxel T, Fudal I (2014) Epigenetic control of effector gene expression in the plant pathogenic fungus Leptosphaeria maculans. PLoS Genet. 10: e1004227.


Balesdent MH, Fudal I, Ollivier B, Bally P, Grandaubert J, Eber F, Chèvre AM, Leflon M, Rouxel T (2013). The dispensable chromosome of Leptosphaeria maculans shelters an effector gene conferring avirulence toward Brassica rapa. New Phytol. 198: 887-898.

Dilmaghani A, Gout L, Moreno-Rico O, Dias JS, Coudard L, Castillo-Torres N, Balesdent MH, Rouxel T (2013) Clonal populations of Leptosphaeria maculans contaminating cabbage in Mexico. Plant Pathol.  62: 520-532

Godinho JS, Dias JS, Balesdent MH, and Mendes-Pereira E (2013) Molecular characterisation of Portuguese isolates of Leptosphaeria maculans using PCR-ISSR and RAPD markers. Acta Horticulturae 1005: 573-580.

Grandaubert J, Balesdent MH, Rouxel T (2013). Incidence des Eléments Transposables sur l’évolution des génomes des champignons phytopathogènes et sur leur potentiel adaptatif. Biol Auj. 207:277-290

Rouxel T & Balesdent MH (2013) From model to crop plant-pathogen interactions: cloning of the first resistance gene to Leptosphaeria maculans in Brassica napus. New Phytol. 197:356-358 (Invited commentary).

Tyler BM, Kale SD, Wang Q, Tao K, Clark HR, Drews K, Antignani V, Rumore A, Hayes T, Plett JM, Fudal I, Gu B, Chen Q, Affeldt KJ, Berthier E, Fischer GJ, Dou D, Shan W, Keller N, Martin F, Rouxel T, Lawrence CB (2013). Microbe-independent entry of oomycete RxLR effectors and fungal RxLR-like effectors into plant and animal cells is specific and reproducible. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 26: 611-616.

Tyler BM & Rouxel T (2013) Effectors of fungi and oomycetes: their virulence and avirulence functions, and translocation from pathogen to host cells. In Molecular Plant Immunity. G. Sessa, Ed., Wiley Blackwell Press, Chap. 7, pp. 123-167.


Bourras S, Meyer M, Grandaubert J, Lapalu N, Fudal I, Linglin J, Ollivier B, Blaise F, Balesdent MH, Rouxel T (2012) The incidence of genome structure, DNA asymmetry and cell physiology on T-DNA integration in chromosomes of the phytopathogenic fungus Leptosphaeria maculans. G3 2:891-904.

Daverdin G, Rouxel T, Gout L, Aubertot JN, Fudal I, Meyer M, Parlange F, Carpezat J, Balesdent MH (2012) Genome structure and reproductive behaviour influence the evolutionary potential of a fungal phytopathogen. PLoS Pathog. 8: e1003020.

Dilmaghani A*, Gladieux P*, Gout L, Giraud T Brunner P, Stachowiak A, Balesdent MH, Rouxel T (2012) Migration patterns and changes in population biology associated with the worldwide spread of the oilseed rape pathogen Leptosphaeria maculans. Mol. Ecol. 21:2519-2533


Rouxel T, De Wit PJGM (2011) Dothideomycete effectors facilitating biotrophic and necrotrophic life styles. In: Effectors in Plant-Microbe Interactions. F. Martin and S. Kamoun, Eds. Wiley Blackwell Press

Rouxel T, Grandaubert J, Hane JK, Hoede C, Van de Wouw AP, Couloux A, Dominguez V, Anthouard V, Bally P, Bourras S, Cozijnsen AJ, Cuifetti LM, Degrave A, Dilmaghani A, Duret L, Fudal I, Goodwin SB, Gout L, Glaser N, Linglin J, Kema GHJ, Lapalu N, Lawrence CB, May K, Meyer M, Ollivier B, Poulain J, Schoch CL, Simon A, Spatafora JW, Stachowiak A, T urgeon BG, Tyler BM, Vincent D, Weissenbach J, Amselem J, Quesneville H, Oliver RP, Wincker P, Balesdent MH, Howlett BJ (2011) Effector diversification within compartments of the Leptosphaeria maculans genome affected by repeat-induced point mutations. Nat. Commun. 2:202. [DOI]


Bally P, Grandaubert J, Rouxel T, Balesdent MH (2010) FONZIE: an optimized pipeline for minisatellite marker discovery and primer design from large sequence data sets. BMC Res. Notes 3:322

Dilmaghani A, Balesdent MH, Rouxel T, Moreno-Rico O (2010) First report of Leptosphaeria biglobosa (Blackleg) on Brassica oleracea (Cabbage) in Mexico. Plant Dis. 94:791. [DOI]

Huang YJ, Balesdent MH, Li ZQ, Evans N, Rouxel T, Fitt BDL (2010) Fitness cost of virulence differs between the AvrLm1 and AvrLm4 loci in Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker of oilseed rape). Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 126:279-291. [DOI]

Kale SD, Gu B, Capelluto DGS, Dou D, Feldman E, Rumore A, D. Arredondo FD, Hanlon R, Fudal I, Rouxel T, Lawrence CB, Shan W, Tyler BM (2010) External lipid PI-3-P mediates entry of eukaryotic pathogen effectors into plant and animal host cells. Cell 142:284-295. [DOI]

Kutcher HR, Balesdent MH, Rimmer SR, Rouxel T, Chèvre AM, Delourme R, Brun H (2010) Frequency of avirulence genes in Leptosphaeria maculans in western Canada. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 32:77-85. [DOI]

Hane JK, Rouxel T, Howlett BJ, Kema GHJ, Goodwin SB, Oliver RP (2011) A novel mode of chromosomal evolution peculiar to filamentous Ascomycete fungi. Genome Biol. 12:R45.

Rouxel T, Balesdent MH (2010) Avirulence genes. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester. [DOI]


Cardin L, Vincenot L, Balesdent MH (2009). First report of Pilidium concavum on Bergenia crassifolia in France. Plant Dis. 93: 548.

Dilmaghani A, Balesdent MH, Didier JP, Wu C, Davey J, Barbetti MJ, Hua Li, Moreno-Rico O, Phillips D, Despeghel JP, Vincenot L, Gout L, Rouxel T (2009) The Leptosphaeria maculans-Leptosphaeria biglobosa species complex in the American continent. Plant Pathol. 58:1044-1058. [DOI]

Fudal I, Ross S, Brun H, Besnard AL, Ermel M, Kuhn ML, Balesdent MH, Rouxel T (2009). Repeat-induced point mutation (RIP) as an alternative mechanism of evolution towards virulence in Leptosphaeria maculans. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 22:932-941

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Attard A, Gourgues M, Gout L, Schmit J, Roux J, Narcy JP, Balesdent MH, Rouxel T (2001). Molecular characterisation and polymorphism of MinLm1, a minisatellite from the phytopathogenic ascomycete Leptosphaeria maculans. Curr. Genet. 40:54-64.

Balesdent MH, Attard A, Ansan-Melayah D, Delourme R, Renard M, Rouxel T (2001). Genetic control and host range of avirulence toward Brassica napus cultivars Quinta and Jet Neuf in Leptosphaeria maculans. Phytopathology 21:70-76.

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Modification date: 03 April 2024 | Publication date: 29 August 2011 | By: Thierry Rouxel