People in ADEP



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Our team, consisting of three scientists and one permanent technician, benefits from the support of contracted collaborators, postdoctoral researchers, doctoral students, and Master's level interns. We are affiliated with the LabEx SPS and BASC and associated with the SEVE and ABIES doctoral schools, through which we can nominate candidates for ministerial doctoral scholarships. If you wish to join us or have a project to submit, please feel free to get in touch!


MARCEL Thierry

Thierry Marcel  |  personal page  |  Senior researcher INRAE, co-team leader  |

Frédéric Suffert  personal page  |  Senior researcher INRAE, co-team leader  |

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Marie Dufresne  |  personal page  |  Professor at the Paris-Saclay University |

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Manon Delanoue  |  Technician INRAE  |


Fabrice Ntakirutimana  |  Post-doc  |

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Chloé Papin  |  PhD candidate (CIFRE ARVALIS)  |

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Kevin Meyer  |  Engineer  |


Anaïs Bosc-Bierne  |  MSc student

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Illona David  |  MSc student


Marion Petit-Garcia  |  MSc student

Marion Sesia  |  MSc student

Alumni - What happened to our former PhD students?

In this folder

Modification date: 10 April 2024 | Publication date: 10 May 2016 | By: Frédéric Suffert