Axis 3 - Explore the determinism and epidemiological consequences of sexual reproduction in Z. tritici

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This third set of objectives is to understand the determinism and epidemiological consequences of sexual reproduction in Z. tritici: primary inoculum build-up and survival on residues, impact on adaptive dynamics of pathogenic populations, and ecological interactions with associated communities.

Key areas of investigation include:

3.1. Characterizing different scenarios of in planta sexual reproduction and their determinants, considering the adaptation between the host and the pathogen (R-Avr interaction).

3.2. Estimating the impact of different scenarios of sexual reproduction on crop residues under various types of canopy, including varietal mixtures. The ANR MOBIDIV and COMBINE projects and the Chloé Papin's PhD fit within this objective, closely linked to the issue addressed in 1.2.

3.3. Characterizing interactions between Z. tritici in different ecotones (leaves, residues) and other organisms (fungi, springtails) for a bioregulation perspective. This objective relies on collaborations with Valérie Laval (EPLM team) and Sandrine Salmon (MNHN) and international partnerships (TEAGASC, Ireland; CSIRO, Australia), building on the advancements achieved during Lydie Kerdraon's PhD.