REacTION: network on the "Epigenetic mechanisms that shape plant - pathogens and symbiotic organism interactions" -

reseau REacTION




The REACTION network on the "Epigenetic mechanisms that shape plant - pathogens and symbiotic organism interactions" is an INRA network created in 2014.

The main objective of the scientific and technical network REACTION is to bring together INRA and non-INRA scientists, students and technicians working on the molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate plant-bioaggressor and symbiotic organisms interactions. The studied models are varied, both on the plant side (Arabidopsis, Apple, Tomato, Tomato, Rapeseed), than on the pathogen side (Nematodes, Aphids, Phytopathogenic fungi, Bacteria, Protists or Viruses) and symbiotic organisms (symbiotic Ectomycorrhizal fungi). The network groups 78 members working in 14 INRA units, including 7 joint units, as well as CNRS, Universities and IFP Energies Nouvelles.

A central objective of this network is to contribute to the training of researchers, technicians and students on the detection of epigenetic marks, on analysis of the chromatin structure and the underlying bioinformatics analysis.

A second objective of the network is to establish efficient communication and sharing of informations in order to accelerate research, and also to guide the evolution of the orientation of member laboratories through the emergence of common transversal themes.

Since its creation, the network has organized 4 conferences and meetings, and two thematic workshops: "ChIP: theory, practice and data analysis" and "Bisulfite-Sequencing analysis of methylome: from experiment to data analysis".

REACTION is financially supported by the Plant Health and Environment Department of INRA.


Network coordinators:
Isabelle Fudal (UMR Bioger, Grignon)
Nadia Ponts (UMR MycSA, Bordeaux)
Gael Le Trionnaire (UMR IGEPP, Rennes)
Mélanie Jubault (UMR IGEPP, Rennes)


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Modification date: 03 July 2023 | Publication date: 12 November 2018 | By: I. Fudal & A. Deredec