The BIOGER (BIOlogy of fungal plant pathogens:  from GEnomes to agRo-ecosystems) INRAE research unit is the French reference centre for research on fungal diseases of major crops in Europe (wheat, rapeseed and, to a lesser extent, grapevine).

BIOGER research unit is part of INRAE Center Versailles-Saclay, and since October 2022, it is localized at the Campus Agro Paris-Saclay.

BIOGER undertakes approaches that are multi-disciplinary (genomics, molecular biology, biochemistry, chemistry, cell biology, genetics, population genetics, evolution, epidemiology, mathematical modelling, phenotyping, diagnostic and taxonomy) and multi-scale (from gene to landscape).
Our main models are pathogens responsible for fungal diseases of major economic importance. They comprise wheat rusts (Puccinia striiformis and Puccinia triticina), Zymoseptoria tritici of wheat (Septoria Leaf Blotch-STB), Leptosphaeria maculans (stem canker of oilseed rape), generalist pathogens as Botrytis cinerea and Colletotrichum species causing grey mould disease or anthracnose, respectively, on a series of hosts. The research conducted at BIOGER together with our collaborators has led to these fungal species being raised to the level of models for certain of their genomic, biological, ecological or adaptive traits.

Our work is organized into four major integrated research themes:
1. Biology & lifestyles of fungal pathogens
2. Mechanisms of interactions within the diseased plant ecosystem
3. Adaptation in phytopathogenic fungi
4. Sustainable management of fungal diseases

These themes are developed by five research groups, supported by two technical platforms and common services:

ADEP – Adaptive & epidemiological processes in wheat-fungal pathogen interactions
BioSysCo – Population biology in systems under constraints
ECCP – Effectors of Communication at the fungal Plant interface
EPLM – Effectors and Pathogenesis in Leptosphaeria maculans
GAIA – Guiding management and anticipation for fungal pathogen adaptation

Technical platforms: BioInfoBIOGER, IMAFUN

Common services: Management, IT department, Laundry, Greenhouses

Our research generates both basic and operational knowledge, enabling us to address the demands of society and of various agricultural sectors concerning the effective and sustainable management of fungal diseases of field crops.