Fungal secondary metabolites in MIBiG database

MIBiG was updated by an international consortium of 288 scientists. Jean-Félix DALLERY (BIOGER) contributed to the annotation and curation of fungal secondary metabolites.

The MIBiG database (Minimum Information about a Biosynthetic Gene Cluster) gathers genomic and molecular data from nearly 2500 biosynthetic pathways of fungal, bacterial, and plant secondary metabolites.

An international consortium of 288 scientists from nearly 180 research institutions and companies across 33 countries participated in an annotation and curation effort of MIBiG. During this process, the structure of this open access online database ( were revised. In addition to manual verification of the database entries, new information was added, such as biological activities, biosynthesis steps, and the nature of the evidence linking a biosynthetic gene cluster (BGC) to secondary metabolites.

The description of these updates has just been published in the journal Nucleic Acids Research :