The BIOGER (fungal Biology and Risk Management in Agriculture) INRAE research unit is the French reference centre for research on fungal diseases of major crops in Europe (wheat, rapeseed and grapevine). BIOGER undertakes pluridisciplinary and multiscale approaches (genomics, molecular biology and biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, population genetics, evolution, epidemiology, modelling, phenotyping, diagnosis and taxonomy; from gene to landscape).

BIOGER is located in the new AgroParisTech campus at Palaiseau-Saclay within the University Paris-Saclay environment.

BIOGER is a strong cross-disciplinary research unit devoted to “field to gene” research on main fungal phytopathogens of crops of primary importance for French agriculture in order to reach sustainable management strategies to control these devastating diseases. Our main models comprise wheat rusts, Zymoseptoria tritici of wheat (Septoria Leaf Blotch-STB), Leptosphaeria maculans (stem canker) of oilseed rape, generalist pathogens as Botrytis cinerea and Colletotrichum species causing grey mould disease or anthracnose, respectively, on a series of hosts. Except for L. maculans, all these fungi are ranked among the world’s ‘Top 10’ fungal pathogens based on their scientific and economic importance, B. cinerea being ranked 2nd and rusts 3rd. The research conducted at BIOGER together with our collaborators has led to these fungal species being raised to the level of models for certain of their genomic, biological, ecological or adaptive traits.

Our work is organized into three major integrated research themes:
1. Deciphering mechanisms involved in biotic interactions within the context of the diseased plant ecosystem
2. Understanding mechanisms and dynamics of adaptation in phytopathogenic fungi
3. Development, evaluation and transfer of sustainable strategies for the management of fungal diseases

Our research generates both basic and operational knowledge, enabling us to address the demands of society and of various agricultural sectors concerning the effective and sustainable management of fungal diseases of field crops.


All news

02 September 2024


Gapless genome of Colletotrichum destructivum

Complete genome of the Medicago anthracnose fungus, Colletotrichum destructivum, reveals a mini-chromosome-like region within a core chromosome.

02 July 2024

Campus Agro Paris-Saclay, 22 place de l'Agronomie, 91120 Palaiseau. Amphi C2.0.37 (Bâtiment C2, rez-de-chaussée)

Julie NOAH's thesis defense

Julie NOAH presented her thesis entitled "Identification of the determinants of the adaptation of Leptosphaeria maculans to different Brassica species", under the supervision of Jessica SOYER, on Tuesday July 2
Poster presented at ISCLB 2024 as part of the GraPanPhy project (SPE INRAE) on the establishment of genome-wide graphs for the analysis and monitoring of plant fungal pathogen populations using Zymospetoria tritici and Pyricularia oryzae as case studies.

Job offers


12 July 2024


Post-doc position

Open position for a Post-doctoral researcher in Population Genomics: Experimental evolution and the dynamics of adaptation and genome evolution in fungal populations